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Return error

As you can see in a migration file the functions Up, Down or Change cannot return an error. If you want to raise an error you can use the RaiseError function from the context.

package migrations

import (

type Migration20240517135429Droptable struct{}

func (m Migration20240517135429Droptable) Change(s *pg.Schema) {
s.CreateTable("test", func(def *pg.PostgresTableDef) {

_, err := userrepo.New(s.DB).GetUser(5)
if err != nil {
s.Context.RaiseError(fmt.Errorf("error: %w", err))

func (m Migration20240517135429Droptable) Name() string {
return "droptable"

func (m Migration20240517135429Droptable) Date() time.Time {
t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2024-05-17T15:54:29+02:00")
return t

In this example, if the GetUser function returns an error, the migration will fail and the error will be displayed in the logs.

The only way to not crash the migration when a RaiseError is called is to use the --continue-on-error flag.

And the only way to crash when this flag is used is to use a schema.ForceStopError error.

s.Context.RaiseError(schema.NewForceStopError(errors.New("force stop")))

This will crash the migration EVEN if the --continue-on-error flag is used.